Innovative and Affordable Information Technology

   Revenue/Royalty Distribution & Division Order Systems

Business Tech Applications , Inc. currently provides Revenue/Royalty Distribution & Division Order Systems. The currently supported installations pay for hundreds of millions of dollars of crude oil and gas each month. These systems have been licensed to operate on IBM mainframes, Super Mini Computers, various networks, Client/Server based systems, and Cloud Computing Services.

   Functions and Features:

Calculates corrected run ticket volumes per API table 5A & 6A
Generates Run Statements - Preliminary and/or Final Statements
Prices tickets based on current posting, highest, lowest, average, daily average, etc.
Prints COPAS compliant revenue checks
Generates CODE transmission files and directly transmittable files
Maintains date sensitive Division of Interest decks for all interest types
Maintains minimum and legal suspense sub ledgers
Generates all States' escheat reports
Automatic allocation processes
Generates production and severance tax reports for most States
Generates regulatory agency reports for most States (example Texas RRC T1 report)



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